With our workflows we guide you to speed up the process and communication

Request a resource

Found a great colleague for one of your projects, but he’s not on your team? Our resource request workflow will ask his manager to sign off for it.

We streamline the communication

Say bye bye to back-and-forth emails, text messages and phone calls. With a simple click we inform everybody.


Apply for leave

Leave hugely influences resource availability. Employees apply for leave in our app and see their remaining leave entitlements.

We do the checks

We check for conflicts and if their leave entitlements allow it. You simply approve or reject with just one click. 

Submit time sheets

When employees submit their time sheets, we push them into the approval workflow. We notify project and department managers, depending on how you have set up the approval.

Illustration of how employees can easily submit time sheets from their mobile phone

Approve time sheets

You approve entire time sheets in one go or approve line by line. Alternatively, you reject them or make necessary changes yourself.

Illustration of the feature in Timewax that allows department and project managers to approve time sheets

Transparancy and efficiency

"“The impact of Timewax is that the business processes have become a lot more transparent and that these processes have been made more efficient”
Photo of Leona van Duivenoorde, planner at Précon Group
Leona van Duivenvoorde | Précon Group

Potential revenue increase