Illustration of a continuous loop that represents Agile resource planning

Higher project margins with Agile resource planning

In today’s rapidly changing business environment, flexibility is essential for success. This is especially true for managing resources within projects. Traditional methods of resource planning can lead to wasted talent and time, which ultimately affects the profitability of a project. Agile resource planning solves this problem by quickly responding to the needs of a project and deploying the right people in the right places.


What is Agile resource planning?

Agile resource planning is an approach that focuses on deploying resources quickly and flexibly based on the current needs of a project. Instead of predetermining which resources are needed and when, it is continuously evaluated and adjusted. This means that there is no more wasted talent or time, but precisely the right people are deployed in the right places.

The Agile approach is based on the principles of the Agile Manifesto, which was created in 2001 by a group of software developers. Since then, Agile has spread to other domains, including resource planning. The core values ​​of Agile are:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working results over comprehensive documentation
  • Client collaboration over contract negotiations
  • Responding to change over following a plan

Applying these values ​​to resource planning creates a flexible and adaptive process that can quickly respond to changing circumstances.


Benefits of Agile resource planning

Agile resource planning offers several advantages over traditional methods. Some key benefits include:

1. Increased flexibility
By continuously evaluating and adjusting, changing needs within a project can be quickly responded to. This means that resources can be deployed at the right time and there is less waste.

2. Improved collaboration
Agile resource planning encourages collaboration between team members and stakeholders. Regular consultation and coordination creates a shared understanding of project goals and priorities. This leads to better resource alignment and higher quality of the end result.

3. Increased productivity
By putting the right people in the right place, productivity is increased. Employees can focus on tasks that they are good at and that match their skills and interests. This leads to higher motivation and better performance.

4. Lower costs
Agile resource planning helps to prevent waste of talent and time. By deploying resources efficiently and quickly adjusting when necessary, costs can be saved. This ultimately leads to higher margins and better profitability of projects.


Implementing Agile resource planning

Implementing Agile resource planning requires a change in mindset and working methods. Below are some steps that can be taken to implement Agile resource planning:

1. Create transparency
Ensure that all stakeholders have access to relevant information about the availability and deployment of resources. This can be done, for example, by means of resource planning software that tracks the capacity and occupancy of employees.

2. Define roles and responsibilities
Make it clear who is responsible for allocating and managing resources. This can be a dedicated resource manager, but project managers or team leaders can also play a role in this. Make sure everyone knows what is expected of them.

3. Create cross-functional teams
Form teams with employees from different disciplines and with different skills. This creates flexible teams that are able to respond quickly to changing needs within a project.

4. Implement short iterations
Work in short sprints or iterations of, for example, two to four weeks. At the end of each iteration, there is an evaluation and adjustment based on the results achieved and the current needs of the project.

5. Communicate regularly
Ensure regular communication between all stakeholders, such as daily stand-ups and weekly reviews. This helps to keep everyone informed of progress and to quickly identify and resolve any bottlenecks.



Agile resource planning is a powerful approach to increasing project flexibility and agility. By quickly responding to project needs and deploying the right people in the right places, wasted talent and time can be avoided, leading to higher margins and improved profitability.

It is therefore essential for resource planners and operations managers to become familiar with the principles and practices of Agile resource planning. By embracing and implementing this approach, they can make a significant contribution to the success of their organization in a rapidly changing business environment.

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